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WHO EMRO Strategic Plan 2016-2025

IQM Consulting is providing lead guidance and advice on the implementation of the new WHO EMR Strategic Plan 2016-2025 to strengthen the blood services in the Region.


‘Blood Safety: A Strategy and Framework for Action for the Eastern Mediterranean Region’

The project has started April 01, 2016 under the supervision of the Regional Adviser Public Health Laboratories (PHL) with a –

  1. technical support and assistance  of WHO EMRO and the Iranean Blood Transfusion Organization (IBTO) in preparing a Regional Report on Blood Safety;
  2. Regional Consultation on the Availability and Safety of Blood Transfusion during Humanitarian Emergencies;
  3. Regional Meeting of Directors of Blood Transfusion Services.

The Tunis meetings were conducted –

IMG_5685May 15-16, 2016 – WHO EM Regional Consultation on the Availability and Safety of Blood Transfusion during Humanitarian Emergencies. Twelf countries with protracted humanitarian emergencies were invited to report on their situation and discuss group-wise possible tailor-made recommendations for solutions – preparedness and responses.

EMRO had prepared for the consultation with a focused survey on the Availability and Safety of Blood Transfusion during Humanitarian Emergencies. The questionnaire was developed by IQM Consulting and the findings presented by Dr. Humayun Asghar.

1 Group Photograph May 17-19, 2016

May 17-19, 2016 – WHO EM Regional Meeting of Directors of Blood Transfusion Services. All twentytwo countries were invited to review and discuss the draft document ‘Blood Safety and Availability: A Strategy and Framework for Action for the Eastern Mediterranean Region 2016-2025’. However, 18 were able to send a delegate. Countries were invited to present their successes and lessons learned. Three groups were created (Anglophone, Francophone and Arabic) guided by international consultants to discuss line by line the draft text and present amendments leading to a consensus document to be presented to the EM Regional Committee, October 2016. IQM Consulting has actively contributed to the design and editing of the document.