IQM consulting presentations (oral and poster) of Health Sciences research in Transfusion Medicine at National and International professional events since 2001.
- Webinar RI RAG BOD ‘Blood donation, myths and challenges’ Smit Sibinga CTh. ‘Blood donation, Ethics and Principles 2024’
- 11th AfSBT congress Kampala Uganda. Smit Sibinga CTh ‘A historical perspective of Transfusion Medicine: from ABO to AI’.
- 11th AfSBT congress Kampala Uganda. Smit Sibinga CTh and Dhabangi A, session moderators ‘Hemophilia and Bleeding Disorders’.
- 11th AfSBT congress Kampala Uganda. Smit Sibinga CTh and van den Berg K, poster session 1 moderators.
- 2nd Symposium on AI opportunities and challenges An avalanche of AI to radically change Society. Virtueel Symposium. Smit Sibinga CTh, Artificial Intelligence: Will it support knowledge and technology in Transfusion Medicine?
- Webinar RI RAG BOD: A Case Study – Blood Collection Operations at Carter BloodCare USA . Smit Sibinga CTh, Ethics and Principles of Blood Legislation and Regulation.
- 6th European Congress on Infectious Diseases, Amsterdam, Smit Sibinga CTh. Filling a Gap in Transfusion Medicine Education and Research/
- WHO ECBS 2023 meeting (virtual). Smit Sibinga CTh, Guidance on Ensuring a Sufficient Supply of Safe Blood and Blood Components during Emergencies.
- Webinar AATM/AfBTS: Back to Basic: Transfusion Transmitted Infections (TTI). Smit Sibinga C.Th.: Moderator and presenter: International Migration and the Risk of TTI Diseases: are we Prepared?
- Robotics London UK, ISRAI2023 congress. Smit Sibinga C.Th. Will Digital Foot Printing and Artificial Intelligence Change the future of Transfusion Medicine.
- 33rd ISBT European Region Congress, Gothenburg, Sweden. Smit Sibinga CTh., Abdella YE. Knowledge Economy: Impact on the Developmental Progress of Blood Systems in Resource Limited Countries,
- AABB Annual Meeting Nashville, Tenessee, Smit Sibinga CTh, Abdella YE. Regulating Blood Systems in the WHO Eastern Mediterranen Region.
- AABB Annual Meeting Nashville, Tenessee, Smit Sibinga CTh, Abdella YE. Universal Health Coverage and Essential Medicines: Impact on Blood Availability and Safety in Resource Restricted Countries.
- IBTO Teheran International Workshop on Planning and Management of National Blood Systems. 04-07 July 2022. Smit Sibinga CTh, Quality Management System in National Blood Services.
- TIF 2nd Global Forum on Access to Safe Blood for Patients in Need of Regular Transfusion. 11 November 2022. Smit Sibinga CTh. Transfusion Medicine: From ABO to AI (Artificial Intelligence).
- SAS RuG, 14 November 2022. Smit Sibinga CTh. De Mondiale Problemen in de Bloedvoorziening en de Inspanningen van WHO.
- Smit Sibinga CTh, Abdella YE. Health Sciences and the Development of Transfusion Medicine: An International Perspective. Virtual International Congress of Global Healthcare. Webinar 12-13 May,. 2021.
- Smit Sibinga CTh. ‘Primum est non nocere’ (First do no harm); WHO Global Patient Safety Plan 2021-2030. International Rotary Fellowship of Healthcare Professionals Webinar, 03 and 04 June 2021.
- Smit Sibinga CTh. ISCOMS 2021 Science Elective – Public Health, the UN/WHO Universal Health Coverage Program and the WHO Model Lists of Essential Medicines, in vitro Diagnostics and Medical Devices. Where are we and what is happening today? Groningen, 7 June 2021
- AABB GTF Webinar ‘Engaging doctors, nurses, and laboratory professionals in an integrated approach to improve transfusion safety globally’ – Smit Sibinga CTh. co-moderator.
- AABB 2021 Virtual Annual Meeting. On-demand Education Session – World Health Organization Programs to Develop Improved Global Transfusion Practices and Patient Safety. LS Barnes – Program Chair, Speakers – YE Abdella, CTh. Smit Sibinga
- Smit Sibinga CTh. WHO Global Patient Safety Action Plan 2021-2030. AABB 2021 Virtual Annual Meeting. On-demand Education Session – World Health Organization Programs to Develop Improved Global Transfusion Practices and Patient Safety.
- Smit Sibinga CTh. Where do we position Transfusion Medicine in the family of sciences. Libya Workshop on Blood Transfusion (virtual) October 2021.
- Smit Sibinga CTh. WHO Global Patient Safety Action Plan 2021-2030 – To Take Action in the World, Eliminate Avoidable Patient Harm and Support Health Improvement. International Congress on Global Healthcare 2021 Webinar October 2021.
- Smit Sibinga CTh, Blood supply and transfusion during COVID-19 in the Netherlands. 10th Anatolian Blood Days, Side, Antalya, TR, November 2021.
- Smit Sibinga CTh. The future of Transfusion Medicine and the impact of artificial intelligence. XIV National Blood Banking & Transfusion Congress. Side, Antalya, TR, November 2021
ISBT In Focus virtual Congress European Region
- Goldsmith A, Gebril N, Sondag Thull D, Abdella YE, Barski L, Malgorn PY, Bossolini F, Smit Sibinga CTh. Knowledge, Attitudes, Practices (KAP) of Potential Blood Donors in Libya.
AABB Virtual Annual Meeting 2021
- Barnes LS, Amar S, Louw VJ, Nance E, Gonzales R, Bocquet C, Bales C, Smit Sibinga CTh, Eichbaum QG. A Comparative Document Analysis ofnthe WHO Action Framework for Blood Products and thye AABB Fundamental Standards. Poster P-PH-4
- Barnes LS, Al-Riyami AZ, Ipa TS, Bloch EM, Smit Sibinga CTh, Eichbaum QG. The Impact of COVID-19 on Blood Availability and Convalescent Plasma Collectioh in Low- and Middle-Income Countries. Poster P-PH-7
AfSBT Congress, Dakar, Senegal.
- Evan M Bloch, Linda Barnes, Soraya Amar, Tina Ipe, Meghan Delaney, Cees Smit Sibinga, Quentin Eichbaum for the AABB Global Transfusion Forum (GTF).
AABB Global Transfusion Forum.
9th Antalya Blood Days and XIII National/I International Blood Banking & Transfusion Congress, Antalya, Turkey.
Panel – Last 50 Years of Transfusion in Mentor’s Perspective.
- Smit Sibinga CTh. Where do we position Transfusion Medicine in the family of sciences?
Panel – Hemovigilance Practices in Different Countries.
- Smit Sibinga CTh. Haemovigilance in The Netherlands.
Panel – Moderator: Blood Banking System in Neighbour Countries: Past and Present.
RC Groningen-West (Zoom meeting 07 April 2020), Zuidhorn, NL.
- Smit Sibinga CTh. Mondiale maatregelen ter beveiliging van de bloedvoorziening en ter voorkoming van besmetting van bloed met het corona virus.
AABB virtual annual meeting, USA
- Smit Sibinga CTh, Abdella YE, Konings FA. Legislative instruments for regulating blood systems in the WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region. Poster P-PH-4
- Smit Sibinga CTh, Choudhury N, Mathur A. COVID-19 pandemic – blood supply challenges and approaches in Asian Association Transfusion Medicine member countries. Poster P-C-PH-1
XV Annual Congress AATM, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
- Plenary Lecture: Quality Management in the Transfusion Chain. C. T. Smit Sibinga
- Session Clinical Transfusion & Patient Blood Management, General Lecture: Platelets – Why and When? C.T. Smit Sibinga
- Session Haemovigilance & Blood Safety, General Lecture: Haemovigilance – Fact and Fiction. C.T. Smit Sibinga
AABB Professional Development – eLearning
- eCast – Global Transfusion Medicine: Design of a Comprehensive and Accessible Curriculum. Director and speaker.
Smit Sibinga CT. Where do we position Transfusion Medicine in Health Care and Science?
Liaquat University of Medical & Health Sciences (LUMHS), Jamshoro, PK
LUMHS International Congress 2019
- Pre-conference Workshop ‘Current Practices in Transfusion Medicine.
‘Quality Management for Blood Transfusion Services; principles and essences’. C. Th. Smit Sibinga - International Congress ‘Skills to Cure’ –
a. Management of Bleeding Disorders. C. Th. Smit Sibinga
b. Gene Therapy in Hemophilia. C. Th. Smit Sibinga
European Region ISBT Congress, Basel, CH.
- Smit Sibinga CT, Emmanuel JC. Is Africa on the way to a safe and sufficient blood supply? P-002
- Smit Sibinga CT, Abdella YE, Konings F. Blood systems of countries in the WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region – existing legislative instruments. P-007
- Senioren Academie Sociëteit, Groningen, NL –
Smit Sibinga C.Th. Bloedtransfusie in de zich ontwikkelende wereld – de impact van het Universal Health Coverage programma en de opname van bloed en bloedcomponenten in de WHO Model List of Essential Medicines. - 9th AfSBT Congress, Arusha, Tanzania –
Abdella Y.E., Hajjeh R., Smit Sibinga C.Th. Availability and safety of blood transfusion in humanitarian emergencies. - 1st Joint Congress of the INS European Chapters, Nijmegen, NL –
Opening address
Smit Sibinga, C.Th. Why having a Congress?
- AABB San Diego, CA, USA – Availability and Safety of Blood Transfusion in Humanitarian Emergencies. (0305-LM). Director and Moderator.
Smit Sibinga, CTh. Implementation of the EMR Strategic Framework for Blood Safety and Availability 2016-2025. - AABB San Diego, CA, USA –
Abedella Y, Hajeh R, Smit Sibinga CTh. Blood Transfusion in Humanitarian Emergencies. - ECEL2017, Porto, PT –
Oladejo MA, Smit Sibinga CTh. Awareness, Accessibility, Utilization of Continuous E-Education Programmes of Clinical Blood Use: Policy Implications.
- European Regional ISBT Congress, Copenhagen, DK
Availability and Safety of Blood Transfusion during Humanitarian Emergencies.
Abdella YE, Hajjeh R, Smit Sibinga CTh. - AABB San Diego, CA, USA
Global Survey: Awareness, Accessibility and Utilization of Continuous E-Learning Programs on Clinical Blood Use.
Smit Sibinga CTh, Oladejo MA.
- RI Presidential Conference, Cannes, F
Hematologic Diseases – Disease Prevention and Treatment.
Smit Sibinga CTh.
Global Network for Blood Donation (GNBD). - WHO EM Regional Consultation on the Availability and Safety of Blood Transfusion during Humanitarian Emergencies, Tunis, TN
Disaster management and planning in blood transfusion services.
Smit Sibinga, CTh. - WHO EM Regional Meeting of Directors of Blood Transfusion Services, Tunis. TN
Quality and Quality Management systems for blood safety.
Smit Sibinga, CTh. - 107th RI Convention, Breakout Session, Seoul, KR
Global overview of blood donor motivation and mobilization (blood drives,/camps/sessions/clinics), approaches and the role of Rotary to support.
Smit Sibinga, CTh.
Global Network for Blood Donation (GNBD). - 107th RI Convention, Breakout Session, Seoul, KR
Family/acquaintance donors as a legitimate source for voluntary and regular blood donors in developing countries
Smit Sibinga, CTh.
Global Network for Blood Donation (GNBD). - 34th ISBT Congress, Dubai, UAE.
Status of blood safety and availability in the WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region.
Abdella YE, Ashgar H, Cheraghali A, Pourfathollah AA, Smit Sibinga CTh. - 34th ISBT Congress, Dubai, UAE.
Grifols ISBT Satellite Symposium ‘Blood Transfusion: Improving Safety by Decreasing Risks.’
Management of risks in Transfusion Medicine.
Smit Sibinga CTh. - AABB Annual Meeting 2016, Olando, FL, USA
Quality Culture and Ownership – Lessons Learned from the Developing World.
Smit Sibinga CTh, Kajja I, Makhmudova M.
- 17th International Haemovigilance Seminar, Paris, F.
Smit Sibinga CTh, Kajja I, Makhmudova M. Haemovigilance and the developing world – a chicken and egg problem. Poster P-1-09. - 34th ISBT Congress, Dubai, UAE.
Smit Sibinga CTh, Kajja I, Makhmudova M. Gatekeeping quality in the developing world – Hemovigilance: A chicken and egg problem? Poster P-530 - AABB Annual Meeting 2016, Olando, FL, USA.
Abdella YE, Ashghar H, Yu J, Cheraghali A, Porfathollah AA, Smit Sibinga CTh.
WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region: Blood Safety and Availability. Poster AP-85 - AABB Annual Meeting 2016, Olando, FL, USA.
Smit Sibinga CTh, Kajja I, Makhmudova M.
Hemovigilance and the Developing World – A Chicken and Egg Problem. Poster SP-339
- XLIX BEST Collaborative, Lille F.
Smit Sibinga, CTh and Allain JP.
Viral marker prevalence. Is there a difference between FADs and first time VNRDs? - AABB Annual Meeting, Anaheim, CA, USA,
Session 9407-S-HEM on Transfusion Medicine Research in Developing Countries: Promoting and Sustaining It. Director/Moderator: Quentin Eichbaum, MD, PhD, MPH, MFA, MMHC, FCAP.
Smit Sibinga C.Th. Health Sciences And The Development Of Transfusion Medicine – The International Perspective - L BEST Collaborative meeting, Long Beach, CA, USA
Smit Sibinga C.Th. BEST and Collaborative 1991 – 2015
35th ISBT Regional Congress, London, UK
- Smit Sibinga CTh, Kajja I, Makhmudova M.
Ownership – the key to sustainability of safe blood development projects. - Erdenebayar N, Smit Sibinga CTh.
Vast distances, low population densities – a model reform of the blood supply in Mongolia.
AABB Annual Meeting, Anaheim, CA, USA
- Erdenebayar N, Smit Sibinga CTh.
Mongolia – Vast Distances, Low Population Densities; A Model Reform of the Blood Supply.
33rd ISBT International Congress, Seoul, Korea (Poster)
- Kajja I, Smit Sibinga CTh.
Delayed elective surgery in a major teaching hospital in Uganda – How important is the blood supply? Poster 531 - Kulmirzayeva D, Burkitbayev Z, Turgambayeva , Smit Sibinga CTh.
Voluntary blood donation – Assessment of blood donor opinions in Kazakhstan. Poster 093 - Pitman JP, Wilkinson R, Basavaraju SV, von Finknstein B, Smit Sibinga CTh, Marfin AA, Postma M, Mataranyika M, Tobias J, Lowrance DW.
Investments in blood safety improve the availability of blood to underserved areas in a Sub-Saharan African country. Poster 039 - Smit Sibinga CTh.
Human capacity building in Transfusion Medicine – Experiences in safe blood projects. Poster 022 - Smit Sibinga CTh.
How to create a quality culture – Lessons learned from the developing world. Poster 048.
AABB Annual Meeting Philadelphia, PA, USA (Poster)
- Kajja I, Smit Sibinga CTh.
Blood shortage: A major cause of delayed surgery in a major teaching hospital in Uganda. Poster SP2 - Kulmirzayeva D, Smit Sibinga CTh.
Attitude to blood donation in Kazakhstan: Sex and age peculiarities. Poster SP125
104th Rotary International Convention, Lisbon (oral)
- Break out session on Voluntary Blood Donation around the World.
Smit Sibinga CTh.
Public Image and Public Awareness; an essential prerequisite for voluntary blood donation.
23rd Regional Congress of the ISBT, Amsterdam, NL ( Poster)
- Sadyrbekov K.K., Smit Sibinga C.Th.
Problems and Prospects for future Development of Blood Services in Kyrgyzstan.
Annual Meeting AABB, Denver, CO, USA (Poster)
- Sadyrbekov K.K., Karabaev , Smit Sibinga C.Th.
Further Development of Blood Services in Kyrgyzstan – Challenges and Strategies.
Centar Cerna Gore (KCCG), Podgorica, MNE (oral)
- Cees Th. Smit Sibinga.
Clinical Guidelines for Red Cell Transfusion. Klinica
32nd ISBT International Congress, Cancun, Mexico (Poster)
- Thamina Ashraf and Cees Th. Smit Sibinga.
Blood donation and donor motivation in Oman – achieving 100% voluntary non-remunerated blood donation.
AABB 2012 annual meeting, Boston, MA, USA (Poster)
- John Pitman and Cees Th. Smit Sibinga.
International Perspectives on the Development of Transfusion Medicine.
AABB 2012 annual meeting, Boston, MA, USA (Poster)
- Thamina Ashraf and Cees Th. Smit Sibinga.
Blood donation and donor motivation in Oman.
ECEL 2012 conference, Groningen, NL (Poster)
- Maruff Oladejo and Cees Th. Smit Sibinga.
Policy implications of bridging the
clinical transfusion medicine gap though E-learning.
Symposium Bloedtransfusiebeleid in Suriname, Paramaribo, Suriname (Oral)
- Smit Sibinga CTh.
Stolling: Fysiologie en Pathologie - Smit Sibinga CTh.
Pre-operatieve Stollingsstoornissen: Beleid - Smit Sibinga CTh.
Rationeel Gebruik van Bloedproducten bij Stollingsstoornissen tijdens Operatie.
XLII BEST Collaborative, San Diego, CA, USA (Oral)
- Smit Sibinga CTh and Pitman JF.
Blood Safety in Developing Countries
ECEL2011, Brigthon, UK (Oral)
- Smit Sibinga CTh.
Post-academic Masters Course in Management of Transfusion Medicine – why the Difference in Access to the e-Learning between Countries?
101st RI Convention, Montreal, Canada – GNBD symposium (breakout session) on voluntary blood donation. (Oral)
- Smit Sibinga CTh.
Donor retention through education, engaging university students in voluntary blood donation.
Harvard Medical School Fellowship Program in Transfusion Medicine – Grand Rounds, Boston, MA (Oral)
- Smit Sibinga CTh.
International Development of Transfusion Medicine.
23rd Scientific Congress, Sudan Associations of Physicians, Khartoum, Sudan. (Poster)
- Smit Sibinga CTh.
The role of Transfusion Medicine in clinical settings. (invited speaker).
XXXI International Congress ISBT, Berlin, Germany. (Poster)
- Hassan Ali A, Abdellah YE, Smit Sibinga CTh.
International Collaboration: an Approach to Establishing Blood Transfusion Quality System in Sudan. - Kamran I, Rueckert P, Smit Sibinga CTh.
Education (Teaching and Training) in Transfusion Medicine in Pakistan: an Inventory. - Kajja I, Kyeyune D, Abwooli GS, Bimenya GS, Smit Sibinga CTh.
Identification of Bottlenecks in Blood Processing in Uganda Transfusion Services. - Baraki Y, Swiss Red Cross, Smit Sibinga CTh.
The Impact of the Introduction of Clinical Guidelines and Training in the Appropriate Use of Blood and Blood Products (AUB) on the Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Blood Prescribers on Eritrea. - Kajja I, Bimenya GS, Smit Sibinga CTh.
Informed Consent in Blood Transfusion: Knowledge and Administrative Issues in Ugandan Hospitals - Kyeyune D, Kataaha P, Kajja I, Smit Sibinga CTh.
The Success Story of Donor Funding to Uganda Blood Transfusion Service.
AABB Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD, USA (Poster)
- Baraki Y, Swiss Red Cross, Smit Sibinga CTh.
The Impact of Introduction of Clinical Guidelines and Training in Appropriate Use of Blood and Blood Products (AUB) on Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Blood Prescribers in Eritrea. - Kamran I, Rueckert P, Smit Sibinga CTh.
Education in Transfusion Medicine in Pakistan: An Inventory. - Kajja I, Bimenya GS, Smit Sibinga CTh.
The Interface between Blood Preparation and Use in Uganda. - Noumsi G, Owona Ntsama J, Kamdem Simeu S, Tayou C, Mbanya D, Lachenal G, Schneider WH, Smit Sibinga CTh.
Historical Evolution of Blood Transfusion Practice in Cameroon: Are Laws Sufficient for Achieving Blood Safety? - Kajja I, Kyeyune D, Bimenya GS, Smit Sibinga CTh.
Identification of Bottlenecks on Blood Processing on Uganda Blood Transfusion Services (UBTS). - Hassan Ali A, Abdella YE, Smit Sibinga CTh.
International Collaboration: An Approach to Establishing a Blood Transfusion Quality System in Sudan. - Kajja I, Bimenya GS, Smit Sibinga CTh.
Informed Consent in Blood Transfusion: Knowledge and Administrative Issues in Ugandan Hospitals.
9th European Conference on e-Learning, Porto, Portugal (Poster)
- Smit Sibinga CTh.
Postacademic Masters in Management of Transfusion Medicine (MMTM); an evaluation of the e-learning part of the course.
XIX Regional ISBT Congress, Eastern Mediterranean and Europe, Cairo EG
- Los T, Gabra G, Mutegombwa S, Smit Sibinga C.
The role of school teachers to support blood collection and donor retention at schools. (oral) - Los APM, Smit Sibinga CTh.
Social marketing tools to improve blood collection and donor retention. (poster)
5th International Congress AfSBT, Nairobi, KY.
- Los APM.
Liaison role of school teachers in blood collection, donor motivation and retention at schools. (oral) - Smit Sibinga CTh.
Is the need for safety of the blood supply in Africa different from other resource limited parts of the world? (oral) - Smit Sibinga CTh, Kajja I.
How to determine the needs for safe blood in Africa – expectations and realities. (oral) - Kajja I, Bimenya GS, Eindhoven GB, ten Duis HJ, Smit Sibinga CTh.
Use of the surgical blood order equation in open reduction and internal fixation of femoral fractures. (oral) - Natukunda B, Smit Sibinga CTh.
Assessment of the clinical blood transfusion practice in a regional referral hospital in Uganda. (oral) - Kajja I, Abwooli G, Kyeyune D, Smit Sibinga CTh.
Processing blood in a Ugandan Regional Blood Bank: where is the delay. (poster)
AABB Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, USA.
- Los AP, Mutegombwa SN, Gabra GS, Smit Sibinga CTh.
Liaison role of school teachers in blood collection, donor motivation and retention at schools.
(poster) - Kajja I, Bimenya GS, Eindhoven B, ten Duis HJ, Smit Sibinga CTh.
Use of surgical blood order equation in open reduction and internal fixation of femur fractures. (poster) - Smit Sibinga CTh, Kajja I.
How to determine the needs for safe blood – expectations and realities. (poster) - Natukunda BM, Smit Sibinga CTh.
Assessment of the clinical blood transfusion practice in a regional referral hospital in Uganda. (poster)
15th ISCOMS Groningen, NL
- Smit Sibinga CTh.
Blood transfusion – an integrated part of National Health Care system? Pros and cons. (workshop)
XXXth ISBT International Congress, Macao, SAR, PRC
- Smit Sibinga CTh.
The challenge for component therapies (oral) - Los APM, Smit Sibinga CTh.
Knowledge, attitude and perception of student blood Donation – a school teachers assessment (poster) - Los APM, Smit Sibinga CTh.
Women and Child Health Development in Uzbekistan: build a blood safety program – social marketing approach (poster) - Los APM, Smit Sibinga CTh.
Application of theories from the social sciences in designing donor management improvement efforts (poster) - Smit Sibinga CTh.
Post-Academic leadership development in transfusion medicine (poster) - Kajja I, Bimenya GS, Smit Sibinga CTh.
Blood request form at a University Teaching Hospital: evaluating design and clinician compliance (poster) - de Graaf JD, Kajja I, Bimenya GS, Postma MJ, Smit Sibinga CTh.
SWOT analysis of the blood transfusion chain in a large teaching hospital in Uganda: an observational base line study (poster) - Makhmudova MR, Smit Sibinga CTh.
Creation of a National blood program in Uzbekistan (poster) - Adriani WPA, Smit Sibinga CTh.
How to develop a practical Quality Management System in resource limited countries (poster) - Noumsi GT, Schneider WH, Lachenal G, Smit Sibinga CTh.
Use of blood donor screening data to access HIV dynamics in Cameroun (poster) - de Graaf JD, Kajja I, Bimenya GS, Postma MJ, Smit Sibinga CTh.
Bedside practice of blood transfusion in a large teaching hospital in Uganda: an observational study (poster)
ECEL2008, Cyprus
- Smit Sibinga CTh, de Gunst R.
E-academy for international development of transfusion medicine – a unique institution (oral).
Swedish Society for Transfusion Medicine Annual Meeting Stockholm, S
Claus Högman Memorial Lecture
- Smit Sibinga CTh.
The secret of the CFH phenomenon. (oral)
AFRO 4th Directors of Blood Transfusion Services Meeting, Cotonou, Benin
- Smit Sibinga CTh.
Contributions of the Academic Institute IDTM and Sanquin in the improvement of quality in blood transfusion services in Africa and staff training. (oral)
NVB Annual Meeting, Ede, NL
- vd Schaaf IP, v Hulst M, vd Tuuk Adriani WPA, Postma MJ, Smit Sibinga CTh.
Safety of the blood supply: an attempt to predict the value of the current infection marker screening in Kampala, Uganda. (poster)
Pharmaciae Sacrum symposium, Groningen, NL
- Smit Sibinga CTh.
Haemovigilantie – een Europees Initiatief. (oral)
IUPUI Medical Humanities Program, Indianapolis, IN
- Smit Sibinga CTh.
Is blood safe today? The Global Development of Safe and Sustainable Blood Supply and Transfusion Systems – from bloody risky to sincere. (oral)
VI Congress Portuguese Association of Immunohaematology, Aveiro, P
- Smit Sibinga CTh.
Disaster Management and Planning. (oral) - Smit Sibinga CTh.
Forum Discussion: Consolidation of the National Blood Supply – Pros and Cons. (oral)
VLM Najaarscongres 2007 ‘Security in Supply Chains’, Utrecht, NL
- vd Tuuk Adriani WPA, Smit Sibinga CTh.
Rampen management and planning in de bloedvoorziening. (oral)
WHO EURO EU-Russia Dialogue, Moscow
- Smit Sibinga CTh.
Blood safety and best practices in the EU. (oral)
AABB Annual meeting, Montreal, CA
- Makhmudova MR, Smit Sibinga CTh.
Uzbekistan: Creation of a National Blood Supply and Transfusion System. (oral) - de Graaf JD, Kajja I, Bimenya GS, Postma MJ, Smit Sibinga CTh.
An Observational Study (SWOT) of the blood transfusion chain in a large teaching hospital in Uganda. (poster) - Kajja I, Bimenya GS, Smit Sibinga CTh.
Evaluation of design and compliance with the blood request form at a University teaching hospital in Uganda. (poster) - Kajja I, Bimenya GS, Smit Sibinga CTh.
Hemoglobin drop during open reduction and internal fixation of femoral shaft fractures: A reflexion of blood loss. (poster) - Los APM, Smit Sibinga CTh.
Knowledge, attitude and perception of student blood donation – a school teachers assessment. (on-line poster)
International Congress ISBT, Cape Town, SA
- Van Hulst R, Sagoe KWC, Vermande JE, van der Tuuk Adriani WPA, Torpey
EK, Ansah J, Mingle JA, Smit Sibinga CT, Postma MJ.
Cost-effectiveness of HIV screening of blood donations inGhana. (poster) - R van Hulst, Dhingra N, Smit Sibinga CT, Postma MJ.
Cost-effectiveness of interventions ensuring blood transfusion safety in Africa. (poster) - Seidl C, Henschler R, Schellenberg E, McMillan Douglas A, Smit Sibinga
CT, Gorham M, Letowska M, de Wit J, Seifried E.
Development of pan-European Quality Management in Transfusion Medicine. (oral) - Smit Sibinga CT, van Dijk N, Haijema R, van der Wal J.
A novel approach to optimal blood platelets logistics. (oral) - Los APM, Smit Sibinga CT, van der Tuuk Adriani WPA.
Project management as a recommendable approach to improve donor management in restricted economy countries (preliminary results) (poster) - Smit Sibinga CT.
Needs and essentials for Nationally supported structure and organisation of the blood supply: the Sanquin model. (poster) - Smit Sibinga CT.
Blood – from extremely risky to sincere: the need for post-academic leadership development. (poster)
AABB 2006 Annual Meeting, Miami Beach, FL, USA.
- van Hulst M, Sagoe KWC, Vermande JE, van der Tuuk Adriani WPA,
Torpey EK, Ansah J, Mingle JA, Smit Sibinga CT, Postma MJ.
Cost-effectiveness of HIV screening of blood donations in Ghana. (poster) - van Hulst R, Dhingra N, Smit Sibinga CT, Postma MJ.
Cost-effectiveness of interventions ensuring blood transfusion safety in
Africa. (oral) - Smit Sibinga CT, van Dijk N, Haijema R, van der Wal J.
A novel approach to optimal blood platelets logistics. (poster) - Smit Sibinga CT.
Needs and essentials for Nationally supported structure and organisation of the blood supply: the Sanquin model. (poster)
International Symposium on Blood Transfusion Management, Hong Kong, PRC.
- Smit Sibinga, CTh.
Key Lecture: The global development of safe and
sustainable blood supply and transfusion systems – from bloody risky to
De Groote Societeit, Groningen
- Smit Sibinga CT.
Najaarslezing: Ervaringen met de internationale ontwikkeling
van transfusiegeneeskunde.
Hungarian Soc of Haematology and Blood Transfusion, Budapest, H.
- Smit Sibinga CT.
International Development of Transfusion Medicine.
Honorary Member award lecture. (oral)
2nd National Transfusion Medicine Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- Smit Sibinga CT.
Hospital Based vs Centralized Service. (oral) - Smit Sibinga CT.
Planning for Future Demand. (oral)
AABB 2005 Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, USA.
- Skodlar J, Majerić-Kogler V, Štimac D, Kujundžić-Tiljak M, Smit Sibinga CT, Doughty H.
WHO transfusion basic information sheet (BIS) in monitoring clinical use of blood: application in Croatia. (poster SP394).
AABB 2005 Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, USA
- 405 TC – Haemovigilance: the EU and Canadian Experience.
Smit Sibinga CT.
Haemovigilance as a QM tool. (oral)
XXX BEST Collaborative, Seattle, WA, USA
- Skodlar J, Majerić-Kogler V, Štimac D, Kujundžić-Tiljak M, Smit Sibinga CT, Doughty H.
WHO transfusion basic information sheet (BIS) in monitoring clinical use of blood: application in Croatia. (oral)
9th International Colloquium on the Recruitment of Voluntary, Non-Remunerated Blood Donors, Beijing, PRC.
- Smit Sibinga CTh, Los APM.
Food for thought …. there is another way. (oral)
4th Congress of the Africa Society for Blood Transfusion and 32nd Meeting of the Nigerian Society for Haematology and Blood Transfusion, Lagos, Nigeria
- Smit Sibinga CTh.
Blood: from unutterably risky to sincere, the International development of Transfusion Medicine. (invited speaker)
II Congress of the Macedonian Society of Transfusion Medicine, Ohrid, Macedonia
- Smit Sibinga CTh.
Organisation and structure of a National Blood Supply System. (invited speaker)
2nd Croatian Symposium with International Participation ‘Quality of Clinical Use of Blood’, Zagreb, HR
- Smit Sibinga CTh.
EU Directive 2002/98 setting standards of quality and safety for blood transfusion. (oral)
EU Leonardo da Vinci Workshop Nicosia, Cyprus 2004: How to prepare for the new EU age in blood transfusion.
- Smit Sibinga CTh.
EU Directive objectives and essentials – responsibilities, structure and organisation, quality management and documentation, haemovigilance, standards and other provisions, progress reporting. - Smit Sibinga CTh.
Appropriate and rational use of blood – organisation and structure of a haemovigilance system and management.
Council of Europe Committee of Experts on Blood Transfusion and Immunohaematology (SP-HM), Strasbourg, France
- Smit Sibinga CTh.
International Development of Transfusion Medicine (invited presentation).
AABB 57th Annual Meeting and TXPO 2004, Baltimore, MD, USA.
- 226-QE – Why should non-US organizations seek accreditation by US agencies?
Smit Sibinga CTh.
AABB accreditation outside the USA. (oral)
Achtes wissenschaftliches Symposium der Forschungsgemeinschaft der
Blutspende-dienste des Deutschen Roten Kreuzes, Dresden
- Qualitätsmanagement und Qualitätssicherung in der Transfusionsmedizin
Smit Sibinga CTh.
European perspective in forming quality management Networks in Transfusion Medicine. (oral)
ICBS meeting with liaison Organizations and Institutions, Atlanta, GA, USA.
- Smit Sibinga CTh.
International development of Transfusion Medicine. (oral)
Federal Blood Transfusion Medicine Institute Workshop, Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovina.
- Smit Sibinga CTh.
Essentials and minimum requirements for a Nationally supported blood supply and transfusion system. Quality improvement – Quality Management for Blood Transfusion Services. (oral)
International Association for Biologicals (IABs) – International Symposium on Advances in Transfusion Safety. Bethesda, MD, USA.
- Session XI: Movement toward International Harmonization. – Smit Sibinga CTh. Moderator
ICBS meeting, Berlin, Germany.
- Smit Sibinga CTh.
A proposed revision of necessary terms of reference to be applied for the training of Fellows at ICBS Collaborating Centres. (oral)
First Croatian Symposium on Quality of Clinical Use of Blood, Opatija, Croatia.
- Smit Sibinga CTh.
Risk management as an important tool to improve quality at the bedside. (oral)
XII Asian Pacific Conference of the ISBT, New Delhi, India.
- Three Faces of the Vein to Vein Chain (SA 2):
Smit Sibinga CTh.
Quality concept of organizational structure. (oral) - Monitoring Clinical Practice of Transfusion (SM 1):
Smit Sibinga CTh.
Biological product deviation. (oral)
AABB Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, USA.
- 127-QE – The UN of Quality Management
Smit Sibinga CTh.
Quality Systems and Quality Management of the blood supply in the EU – challenges, goals, successes and failures. (oral)
Informative workshops Senter Matra Pre-accession project on Development of the capacity of the Estonian Blood Centres:
- Tallinn: Haemovigilance; Pärnu: Haemovigilance and Document Management – Adriani WPA.
- Tallinn, workshop A Dream or Reality
Smit Sibinga, CTh and Adriani, WPA.
HMDP lectures and round table discussions, Singapore – Lectures
- Smit Sibinga CTh.
Hemovigilance as a quality management tool - Smit Sibinga CTh.
Haemophilia Training Centre – Netherlands Experience - Smit Sibinga CTh.
Quality systems for Hospital Blood Bank Laboratories - Smit Sibinga CTh.
Guidelines on Regulation of Blood and Blood Products - Smit Sibinga CTh.
Accreditation requirements and Staff Development - Smit Sibinga CTh.
Future Strategies and Directions in Transfusion Medicine
Round Table key notes and discussions
- Review of Blood Collection and Apheresis Collection Policies, Strategies and Practices
- Quality Assurance Programmes in Infectious Disease Testing
- Good Manufacturing Practice
- Quality in Blood Component Preparation and Processing
- Quality Requirements for Laboratory Computers and Software
- Quality in Red Cell Serological Testing
- Training and Staff Development in Quality Systems
- Quality Systems for hematopoietic progenitor cell facilities
- Smit Sibinga CTh.
The Impact of Quality Management in the Clinical Laboratory (oral)
Council of Europe/Council of Europe Development Bank Seminar on ‘The Management of the Quality and Safety of Blood and Blood Products’, Opatija, Croatia (invited speaker)
- Smit Sibinga CTh.
Quality management as an essential tool to improve safety and efficacy in transfusion medicine. - Smit Sibinga CTh.
Needs and essentials for nationally supported structure and organisation of the blood supply. - Smit Sibinga CTh.
The clinical interface of transfusion medicine. - Smit Sibinga CTh.
The need for a national policy and standards in clinical transfusion practice – indicators for developing best clinical practices.
27th International Symposium on Blood Transfusion ‘Cellular Engineering and Cellular Therapies’, Groningen, the Netherlands
- Smit Sibinga CTh, Jansen van Galen JP.
Cellular Engineering and Cellular Therapies – Transfusion Medicine and the Academic World. (invited speaker)
54th AABB Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, USA
Director and speaker Symposium on Worldwide Issues in Blood Safety and Availability
- Smit Sibinga CTh.
World wide issues in blood safety and availability. – Introduction. - Smit Sibinga CTh.
Global guidelines and policies on appropriate use of blood- products.
MoH Seminar on Development of Quality Systems to Improve the Clinical Transfusion Practice, Zagreb, Croatia
- Smit Sibinga CTh.
The WHO initiative on quality in clinical transfusion Medicine (oral)
T.J. Greenwalt lecture, Hoxworth University Blood Bank, Cincinnati, OH, USA
- Smit Sibinga, CTh.
International Development of Transfusion Medicine: Needs, Opportunities and Restrictions.
VII European Congress ISBT. Paris, France
- Smit Sibinga CTh.
Risk management: an important tool for improving quality. (oral)
1st National Transfusion Medicine Conference. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- Smit Sibinga CTh.
Legal aspects, regulatory framework and accreditation in transfusion medicine – the international scenario. (invited speaker) - Smit Sibinga CTh.
Haemophilia care and the national transfusion service. The global scene. (invited speaker)
The Future of Blood Transfusion Therapy and Components Industry. Cairo, Egypt
- Smit Sibinga CTh.
Clinical interface of blood transfusion. (invited speaker)
26th International Symposium on Blood Transfusion ‘Transmissible Diseases and Blood Transfusion’, Groningen the Netherlands
- van der Tuuk Adriani WPA, Smit Sibinga CTh.
Advances in bacterial detection technology. (invited speaker) - Smit Sibinga CTh.
GCBS, ICBS and other initiatives; Will there be a ‘toto pro partum’? (invited speaker)