IQM consulting contributions to the International field of Transfusion Medicine since 2001
Meetings and Congresses
Assen, 12 januari, NIV Symposium Richtlijnen Haematologie
Kampala, UG, 4-7 maart, 11 AfSBT International Congress
Amsterdam, 12, 13 april BEST Collaborative
Groningen, 15 mei, Antonius Deusing Klinische avond met ISCOMS (virtueel)
Singapore, 25-29 mei RI Convention, RAG BOD
Groningen, 4-7 juni ISCOMS
London, 16 June, Symposium AI Opportunities and Challenges
Barcelona, ES, 23-27 juni ISBT (TMF)
New Delhi, India. 28 September 2024. Webinar ‘A Comparative Study – Blood Operations at Carter BloodCare, USA’ (virtueel)
Amsterdam NL. 6th European Congress on Infectious Diseases, 3-4 October 2024
Houston, TX, 19-22 oktober, AABB/GTP
New Delhi, India (RAG BOD virtual) Webinar: Blood Donation US and India
Manuscripts and abstracts review
Qeios (3) [https://meiwww.qeios.com/read/5WNLUF]
Frontiers (2)
Hematology and Blood Disorders (1)
Journal of Stem Cells Therapy and Transplantation/JSCTT (1)
Clin J Nursing Care and Practice (1)
Arch Vascul Med (1)
J Biomed Research Environm Sci (4)
J Infrastruct Policy Dev (1)
Clin Case Reports and Trails (1)
IntechOpen (1, book chapter)
Arch Comm Med Publ Health (1)
Teaching and training
Libya – WHO/IQM Quality Management Training course
Editorial functions
- International Journal of Clinical Transfusion Medicine
- International Journal of Blood Transfusion and Immunohaematology
Associate Editor
- Frontiers of Public Health and Frontiers of Public Education
- Haematology International Journal
Meetings and Congresses
- ISBT 33rd European Regional Congress Gothenburg, Sweden.
- AABB Annual Meeting Nashville, TN
- Robotics23 ISRAI2023 London UK
Manuscripts and Abstracts Reviews
As Hematol Res J (1).
The Open Public Health J (6)
F1000 Faculty Opinions (1)
Uttar Pradesh J Zoology (2)
Int J Blood Transfus Immunohaem (6)
Int J Blood Res Rev (2)
As J Paed Res (2)
Health Science Reports (1)
Transfusion Medicine (1)
EJKM (1)
Transfusion (1)
Clin J Nursing Care and Pract (1)
Qeios (1)
ISCOMS 2023 (62)
AABB 2023 (12)
Teaching and Training
Makerere University School of Medicine and College of Health Sciences PhD ceremony Henry Ddungu (opposition)
Rotary International Convention, Melbourne, Australia
Stichting Senioren Academie HOVO-cursus ‘Revolutie in de Gezondheidszorg’.
Editorial Functions
- International Journal of Clinical Transfusion Medicine
- International Journal of Blood Transfusion and Immunohaematology
Associate Editor
- Frontiers of Public Health and Frontiers of Public Education
- Haematology International Journal
Meetings and Congresses
- IBTO/AATM/WHO Teheran Webinar on Lessons Learned in Achieving 100% VNRBD – Iran Experience.
- WHO Webinar series on Global Patient Safety Challenges: #1 – Medication without Harm.
- ISCOMS 2022, Groningen, NL. Science Elective ‘Towards Eliminating Avoidable Harm in Health Care.’
- ISBT International Congress (virtual). Presidential Award session Nancy M. Heddle. Laudatio.
- IBTO International Workshop (virtual) ‘Planning and Management of National Blood Systems’. Tehran 04-07 July 2022; Smit Sibinga CTh, Quality Management System in National Blood Systems,
- AABB Annual Meeting, Orlando FL, USA (cancelled) virtual – 05-09 October
- Kopenhagen, DK. World Polio Day – Ensuring a polio free future
- 11th Antalya Blood Days, Antalya, TK
- TIF 2nd Global Forum on Access to Safe Blood Products for Patients in Need of Regular Transfusion. Virtual.
- AfSBT 15th Educational Webinar on BLOODSAFE: Towards safe blood for Africa.
- Virtual Webinar ‘Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Robotics’ ; IGSMP
Manuscript and Abstract Reviews
Transfusion (1)
Academia Letters (2)
J Advances in Medical Research (1)
Int J Blood Transfus Immunohaematol (5)
Haematology (1)
EMHJ (3)
Haematol Int J (4)
As J Res Rep Neurol (1)
Int Blood Research & Reviews (1)
Arch Current Research (1)
As J Med Health (1)
Clin Med Res (1)
Int J Educ Policy Res Rev (1)
British Journal of Haematology (1)
The Open Public Health Journal (1)
Uttar Pradesh J Zoology (1)
As Haematol Res J (1)
F1000 Faculty Opinkions (2)
Abstracts –
ISCOMS 2022 (62)
AABB 2022 (10)
Teaching and Training
RI D1590 RLI III course
RI D1590 RLI IV course revised curriculum
UNFPA Somalia Quality Management on Transfusion Medicine
Editorial Functions
- International Journal of Clinical Transfusion Medicine
- International Journal of Blood Tramsfusion and Immunohaematology
Associate Editor
- Haematology International Journal
Meetings and congresses
- The University of the Future. ‘Dealing with the disruption in responding to COVID-19’ . ACI/UNESCO/UNISA International webinar.
- RI Presidential Conference 2020-2021 (virtual) – ‘Together for mothers’ and children’s health’.
- WHO First Global Patient Safety Network Webinar Series 2021 – ‘Patient safety incident reporting and learning systems’.
- LXI BEST Collaborative virtual meeting
- Federatie Medische Specialisten (virtual) – ‘COVID-19 Vaccinaties’
- International Congress on Global Healthcare May 2021 (webinar).
- NVB (hybdrid) annual meeting
- ISBT European Congress Milan, June (virtual).
- ISBT Workshop Stepwise Access to Safe Plasma Proteins in Resource-Constrained Countries: Local Production & Pathways to Fractionation (virtual 21-23 September 2021)
- ATMF/IPFA Joint Webinars on ‘National Strategies to Ensure Safe abd Adequate Supply of Blood, Blood Components, and Plasma Derived Medicinal Products’ (virtual 17 and 24 September, 1 and 8 October 2021)
- IHN mini Webinar on Haemovigilance, September 2021
- International Congress on Global Healthcare, October 2021 (webinar)
- WHO Webinar ‘Launch of the WHO Quality Management System (QMS) Guidance for National Regulatory Authorities (NRAs)’, October 2021
- AABB virtual Annual Meeting
- IRF Health Professionals Webinar: ‘The Healthcare Quality and Patient Safety Journey of Pakistan’
Manuscript and Abstracts Reviews
Transfusion and Apheresis Science (3)
Int J Blood Transfus Immunohaematol (5)
Asian J Adv Res Reports (1)
Transfusion Medicine (2)
J Clin Haematol (4)
Health Sci Reports J (1)
J Pharmac Res Intern (3)
Academia Letters (11)
As J Med Principles Clin Practice (1)
Int J Blood Transfus Immunohaem (2)
As Hematol Reseach J (1)
As J Biol (1)
Artificial Intelligence in Med (1)
EMHJ (1)
Abstracts –
ISCOMS 2021 (62)
AABB 2021 (12)
Teaching and training
ISCOMS Science Elective on ‘Public Health, the UN/WHO Universal Health Coverage Program and the WHO Model Lists of Essential Medicines, in vitro Diagnostics and Medical Devices.’
Rotary International Fellowship of Health Professionals ambassador training webinar
AABB GTF Subcommittee Education Webinar on transfusion education and communication among laboratory professionals and how this can be improved to enhance patient safety and care.
IQM Transfusion Medicine Leadership course – Dr. Omosigho Iszedonmwen, NBTS Abuja, Nigeria
Rotary International D1590 RLI-II cursus dag 2 en 3.
Professional commitments
- Working Party on Clinical Use
- Working Party on Global Blood Safety
- Global Transfusion Forum – Chair Subcommittee on Education
- Global Standards Committee
Rotary International –
- RI RAG for Blood Donation (a Global Network to Save Lives) –
- President (2021-2023)
- Liaison officer with TRF Cadre (Disease Prevention and Treatment)2. IRF of Healthcare Professionals – Steering Committee member
- International Advisor
WHO Geneva –
- Chairman Working Group on Ensuring Sufficient Supplies of Safe Blood and Components during Emergency Situations.
Editorial Functions
- International Journal of Clinical Transfusion Medicine
- International Journal of Blood Transfusion and Immunohaematology
Associate Editor
- Haematology International Journal
Meetings and congresses
- XIII National and 1st International Blood Banking & Transfusion Congress, BBTST Antalya, Turkey 6-12 March 2020
- AABB Virtual Annual Meeting, 03-07 October 2020
- Eastern Mediterranean Regional Webinar: Experiences and Researches in Donor Management during SARS-CoV-2 Outbreak. 24 November 2020. IBTO, Tehran, Iran.
- International Rotary Fellowship of Healthcare Professionals Webinar: Improving Patient Safety and Health Outcomes. A Call to Healthcare Professionals. 02 December 2020. London, UK
- 36th ISBT 2020 Virtual International Congress, 12-16 December 2020
Manuscript Reviews
EMHJ (4)
Arch Gen Surg (1)
J Community Med Pub Health Rep (1)
J Environ Sci Curr Res (1)
Transfus Med (1)
ISBT Science Series (2)
Transfusion (1)
Ann Publ Health Reports (1)
Int J Blood Transfus Immunohaem (3)
Arftificial Intelligence in Medicine (1)
Teaching and training
- RI D1590 RLI course (3 days) – coordinator and trainer;
- IQM Transfusion Medicine Leadership course – Dr. Omosigho Iszedonmwen, NBTS Abuja, Nigeria
Professional commitments
- Working Party on Clinical Use
- Working Party on Global Blood Safety
- Global Transfusion Forum – Chair Subcommittee on Education
- Global Standards Committee
Rotary International –
District 1590 Chairman International Service Committee
RI Fellowship of Health Professionals, Steering Committee member
RI RAG for Blood Donation (a Global Network to Save Lives) –
- President 2021-2023
- Liaison officer with TRF Cadre (Disease Prevention and Treatment)
International Board Member ‘Higher Education Leadership & P:artnership Network’, Akoka, Nigeria
- International Advisor
Meetings and congresses
BEST Collaborative LVII meeting, Cork, IE
Transfusion Medicine Foundation Board meeting, Vienna, AT
Rotary Doctors Nederland, Nijkerk, NL
RI Convention, Hamburg, D
a) International Fellowship of Rotarian Doctors
b) RAG Global Network for Blood Donation
ISCOMS 2019, Groningen, NL (jury)
ISBT European congress, Basel, CH
XV Congress of Asian Association of Transfusion Medicine (AATM), Ulaanbaatar, MN
a) co-chair sessions A4 (Clinical Transfusion and Patient Blood Management) and A5 (Quality Management in Transfusion Medicine)
b) Plenary lecture (Plenary Meeting) and two General Lectures (session A4 and A6)
BEST Collaborative LVIII meeting, San Antonio, TX, USA
AABB Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX, USA
LUMHS International congress and pre-congress workshop, Jamshoro, PK
Manuscript reviews
Transfusion (1)
Vox Sanguinis (4)
Transfusion and Apheresis Science (2)
International J Blood Transfusion and Immunohematology (3)
IntechOpen (book chapter) (3)
EMHJ (1)
Teaching and training
UMCG Wenckebach Institute, School of Nursing and Health, Groningen – guest lectures ‘Blood Transfusion’, April and October 2019
RUG HOVO cursus ‘Energie transitie: Niet wedden op één paard!’
Professional commitments
- Working Party on Global Blood Safety – Organizing Committee: At Large member
- Working Party on Clinical Use
- Global Transfusion Forum – Chair Subcommittee on Education
RI RAG for Blood Donation (a Global Network to save lives)-
- President-elect
- Liaison officer with TRF cadre
Meetings and Congresses
LV BEST Collaborative, Florence, Italy
35th International Congress ISBT, Toronto, Canada
1st Joint Congress of the INS European Chapters, Nijmegen, NL
LVI BEST Collaborative, New Port, RI, USA
AABB Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, USA
Manuscript reviews
J Blood Transf (1)
Int J Blood Transfus Immunohem (2)
Risk Manag Healthc Policy (1)
Vox Sang (4)
EMHJ (1)
J Blood Med (2)
Haematol Int J (2)
Advances in Hematology (1)
Transfusion (1)
Teaching and Training
Wenckebach Institute UMCG, School of Nursing and Health, guest lectures ‘Blood Transfusion’, May and October
RI Convention – RAG Global Network for Blood Donation, Toronto, CA
Senior Academy RUG, Groningen – HOVO course ‘Futurologie: ontwikkelingen en toekomst van de Gezondheidszorg’. Lecture – Natuurwetenschappen en Technologie; Impact op de Gezondheidszorg. Dilemma’s – verantwoord, haalbaar, betaalbaar?
Professional Commitments
- Working Party on Global Blood Safety – Organizing Committee: At Large member
- Working Party on Clinical Use
- Global Transfusion Forum – Chair Subcommittee on Education
Meetings and Congresses
- AABB annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, USA
- LIV BEST Collaborative, La Jolla, CA, USA
- 16th ECEL, Porto, PT
- RI Convention, Atlanta, GA, USA
Manuscript reviews
- Transfusion Medicine (5)
- Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal (4)
- F1000Research (1)
- IGI Global (1)
- Turkish Journal of Hematology (1)
- Transfusion and Apheresis Science (1)
- ISBT Science Series (2)
- Journal of Blood Transfusion (1)
Teaching and Training
- UMCG Wenckebach Instituut –
May and November: lectures blood transfusion AM and OA nurses.- Pakistan, GIZ/SBTP consultation November 2017 –
Peshawar, KP: Seminar on Rational Use of Blood; Seminar on Regulations and Inspection.
Quetta, Balochistan: Seminar on Rational Use of Blood; Seminar on Regulations and Inspection.
Lahore, Punjab: Seminar on Rational Use of Blood; Seminar on Regulations and Inspection; Seminar on Quality Assurance.
Islamabad, ICT: GIZ-SBTP Quarterly SBT Progress Review: Recent Updates and Analysis of Blood Safety Legislations and Regulation.
Plenary Sessions –
1. Possible Strategies for Phasing in Voluntary Donation;
2. Possible Strategies to develop linkages between RBCs and HBBs, and hurdles faced in the full organization of the blood transfrusion - Professional Commitments
ISBT –- Working Party on Global Blood Safety
- Working Party on Clinical Use
AABB –- Global Transfusion Forum – Chair Subcommittee on Education
- Pakistan, GIZ/SBTP consultation November 2017 –
Meetings and Congresses
- 2016 RI Presidential Conference on Disease Prevention and Treatment, Cannes, F.
- 17th International Haemovigilance Seminar, Paris, F.
- LI BEST Collaborative Meeting, Oxford, UK
- Rotary International Convention. Seoul, Korea
- 23rd ISCOMS, Groningen, NL
- 34th ISBT Congress, Dubai, UAE
co-moderator WP: Quality Management session on Management and Organization - LII BEST Collaborative Meeting, Orlando, FL, USA
- AABB Annual Meeting 2016, Orlando, FL, US
Manuscript Reviews
- Int J Blood Transf Immunohem (2)
- Transf Med (2)
- EMHJ (4)
- Int J Clin Transf (4)
- Adv Med Educ Practice (1)
- XLIL BEST Collaborative, Barcelona, E
- ISBT European Region Congress, London, UK
- L BEST Collaborative, Anaheim, CA, US
- AABB Annual Meeting, Anaheim, CA, US
Manuscript reviews
- J Blood Med (1)
- Intern J Clin Transf Med (4)
ISBT Scientific Series (2)
- Med Educ Practice (1)
- Int. J Blood Transf Immunohaem (1)
- Transf Med (2)
- EMHJ (1)
Meetings and Congresses
- XLVII BEST Collaborative, Barcelona, E
- XLVIII BEST Collaborative, Philadelphia, PA, USA
- ISBT International Congress, Seoul, South Korea
- AABB Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, USA
Manuscript reviews
- EMHJ (1)
- J Blood Med (1)
- F1000 Medicine (2)
- Intern J Clin Transf Med (4)
- PlosOne (1)
- ISBT Scientific Series (1)
- BMC Health Services Research (1)
- Intern J General Med (1)
- J Multidisciplinary Healthcare (1)
- Adv Med Educ Pract (2)
- Transfusion (1)
- Transfusion Medicine (1)
- Transfusion and Apheresis Sience (1)
Meetings and Congresses
- XLV BEST Collaborative, Dublin, Ireland
- XLVI BEST Collaborative, Denver, CO, USA
- 2013 AABB Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, USA
- 23rd ISBT Congress European Region, Amsterdam, NL
Manuscript reviews
- J Cases Inform Technol (3)
- EMHJ (3)
- PLoS ONE (1)
- J Blood Med (2)
- F1000 Medicine (3)
- Drug Design Develop Ther (1)
- Intern J Clin Transf Med (4)
Guest lectures
- Wenckebach Instituut, School of Nursing & Health, UMCG, Groningen
Guest lecturer – Bloedtransfusie
Meetings and Congresses
- XLIII BEST Collaborative, Leuven, BE
- XLIV BEST Collaborative Dartmouth, Hanover, NH, USA
- 19th ISCOMS, Groningen, NL
- 32nd ISBT International Congress, Cancun, MX
- 2012 AABB Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, USA
- ECEL2012, Groningen, NL
Manuscript reviews
- EMHJ (4)
- PLoS ONE (2)
- Transplant Research and Risk Management (1)
- Dove Press: Patient Related Outcome Matters (1)
- Dove Press: Journal of Blood Medicine (1)
- Transfusion and Apheresis Science (1)
- Blood Transfusion (1)
- IJBTI (1)
- Faculty1000 medicine (2)
Guest lectures
- Wenckebach Instituut, School of Nursing & Health, UMCG, Groningen
Guest lecturer – Bloedtransfusie
Meetings and Congresses
- XLII BEST Collaborative meeting, San Diego, CA , USA
- AABB 2011 annual meeting San Diego, CA, USA
- 18th ISCOMS, Groningen, NL (workshop en IRF fellow Iran)
- 1. Smit Sibinga CTh. Blood transfusion – an integrated part of National Health Care system? Pros and cons. (workshop)
- 2. OTIENO Gregory, IRF Fellow Kenya (together with Prof. M.J. Postma, PharmacoEpidemiology & PharmacoEconomics) -Transfusion Medicine related Health Sciences project on Cost- effectiveness analysis of PEV vaccine (malaria) in Kenya and it impact on blood safety
- Launching the Global Studies Groningen, RUG
Sustainable Society, Healthy Aging and Energy in Global Contexts, Trans-Disciplinary Invitations, Speed-Dating in “Join My Table” sessions –
Table 5: Health and Healthy Aging in global contexts 1
1. Health Sciences and the Development of Transfusion Medicine – The
International Perspective (Cees Th. Smit Sibinga, Medicine)
Table 10: Health and Healthy Aging in global contexts 2
2. Epidemiology of Blood Transfusion – a Global Approach (Zeeshan Ali (Lahore) & Feroz Hayat (Dhakka), Epidemiology/UMCG).
Manuscript reviews
- EMJH (2)
- Vox Sanguinis (1)
- Bulletin of the WHO (1)
Guest lectures
- Wenckebach Instituut, School of Nursing & Health, UMCG, Groningen
Guest lecturer – Bloedtransfusie
Meetings and Congresses
- XXXIX BEST Collaborative meeting, Lisbon, P
- XL BEST Collaborative meeting, Baltimore, MD , USA
- AABB 2010 annual meeting Baltimore, MD, USA17th ISCOMS, Groningen, NL (workshop en IRF fellow Iran)
1. Smit Sibinga CTh. Blood transfusion – an integrated part of NationalHealth Care system? Pros and cons. (workshop)
2. ALHOOT M. IRF Fellow Malaysia/otPalestine– Transfusion Medicinerelated Health Sciences project on How to organize and structure a safe s sustainable blood supply system in Palestine.
Manuscript reviews
- EMJH (5)
Guest lectures
- Wenckebach Instituut, School of Nursing & Health, UMCG, Groningen
Guest lecturer – Bloedtransfusie
Meetings and congresses
- XXXVII BEST Collaborative meeting, Krakau, PL
- XXXVIII BEST Collaborative meeting, New Orleans, LA, USA
- AABB 2009 annual meeting, New Orleans, LA, USA
- 16th ISCOMS, Groningen, NL (workshop en IRF fellow Iran)
1. Smit Sibinga CTh. Blood transfusion – an integrated part of National Health Care system? Pros and cons. (workshop)
1. Tah Sik LOO. IRF Fellow Malaysia – Transfusion Medicine related Health Sciences project on Cost effectiveness of introduction of advanced technology in donor screening in Malaysia.
2. Ali Zeeshan, IRF Fellow Kyrgyzstan– Transfusion Medicine related Health Sciences project on Whether testing and processing performed in Kyrgyz labs complies with WHO criteria?
Manuscript reviews
- EMJH (4)
- Vox Sanguinis (1)
- Bulletin of the WHO (1)
Guest lectures
- Wenckebach Instituut, School of Nursing & Health, UMCG, Groningen
Guest lecturer – Bloedtransfusie
Meetings and congresses
- XXXV BEST Collaborative meeting, Cambridge, UK
- XXXVI BEST Collaborative meeting, Montreal, CA
- EDULINK Stakeholder Meeting, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
- 15th ISCOMS, Groningen, NL (workshop en IRF fellow Iran)
1. Smit Sibinga CTh. Blood transfusion – an integrated part of National Health Care system? Pros and cons. (workshop)
2. Machboobi N. IRF Fellow Iran – Transfusion Medicine related Health Sciences project on Cost-effectiveness of NAT, HIV antibody screening, and no screening for HIV. - 8th General Meeting GCBS, Geneva, CH
3. Smit Sibinga CTh. Key Topic: Education and Training (moderator and presenter).
Manuscript reviews
- EMJH (3)
- Bulletin of the WHO (1)
Meetings and congresses
- XXXIII BEST Collaborative meeting, Amsterdam, NL.
- XXXIV BEST Collaborative meeting, Dana Point, CA, USA
- Africa Institute of Transfusion Medicine (AITM) –
Two meetings were attended:
1. Strategic Planning Group meeting, February 2007, Johannesburg SA Objectives of the meeting were to:
– define clearly the purpose of the AITM
– determine the scope of AITM’s coverage in terms of education and training and who would be appropriate recipients
– agree to concrete outcomes with responsibilities and timelines.
2. AITM Inaugural Meeting, December 2007, Geneva, CH
The meeting is the first General Meeting of the members of the AITM as defined by clause 5.1 of the Articles of Association. Clause 5.1 states that the nominee directors shall convene a first General Meeting as soon as possible after the registration of the Company (which occurred on 7th November 2007) for the purpose of nominating and appointing the first Directors - World Health Organization
WHO Regional Directors of Blood Transfusion Services meetings
Two meetings were attended by invitation –
1. AFRO 4th Directors Meeting, May 2007, Cotonou, Benin
Contributions of the Academic Institute IDTM and Sanquin in the improvement of quality in blood transfusion services in Africa and staff training.
2. EURO 1st Directors Meeting, June 2007, Copenhagen, DK – Reporter of the Meeting.
a. To assist in the process of regional benchmarking and priority setting for safer national blood supplies and prevent transmission of HIV and other blood borne pathogens.
b. To provide a common platform for discussion, information exchange and cooperation between Member States, looking into sustainable future collaborative activities.
c. To develop regionally specific strategic directions for strengthening quality, safety and availability of the blood supply, and facilitate setting milestones for action. - WHO EURO Workshop, October 2007, Minks, Belarus
Objective – a two days workshop to produce national guidelines for a quality approach in laboratory practice. During a courtesy visit on behalf of WHO EURO to the Ministry of Health interest was expressed in future participation of potential leadership from the Republic of Belarus in the IDTM MMTM course. - WHO EURO / EU co-funded project ‘HIV/AIDS Prevention and Combating in the Russian Federation, Phase II’ – EU-Russia Dialogue, December 2007, Moscow, RU. Objectives:
1. to strengthen the capacity of the Ministry of Health and Social Development to scale up ART delivery;
2. to improve blood safety in four pilot regions and at the Federal level. - Contribution was made with a presentation in Session IV: Blood Safety – Blood safety and best practices in the EU
- NVB annual meeting 2007, Ede, NL
- AABB 2007 annual meeting, Anaheim, CA, USA
- Global Collaboration for Blood Safety, 8th General Meeting, Geneva, CH
Manuscript reviews
- EMJH (3)
- Bulletin of the WHO (2)
Meetings and congresses
- XXVIII BEST Collaborative meeting, Barcelona, Spain.
- XXIX BEST Collaborative meeting, Cape Town, SA.
- AABB 2006 annual meeting, Miami Beach, FL, USA.
- NVB annual meeting 2006, Ede, NL
- International Symposium on Blood Transfusion Management, Hong Kong, PRC.
- Global Collaboration for Blood Safety, Cairo, Egypt
- ISLH 2006, Amsterdam. XIXth International Symposium on Technological Innovations in Laboratory Hematology (Session III: Transfusion for Hematologists Moderators: Anneke Brand, Cees Smit Sibinga)
- De Groote Societeit, Groningen – Najaarslezing: Ervaringen met de internationale ontwikkeling van transfusiegeneeskunde.
Manuscript reviews
- EMJH (1)
- Bulletin of the WHO (1)
- Transfusion (1)
Meetings and congresses
- XIX BEST Collaborative meeting, Rome, Italy.
- XXX BEST Collaborative meeting, Seattle, WA, USA.
- Hungarian Society of Blood Transfusion, Budapest, Hungary – invited speaker
- 2nd National Transfusion Medicine conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia – invited speaker
- AABB 2005 annual meeting, Seattle, WA, USA – invited speaker
Manuscript reviews
- EMJH (1)
- Vox Sanguinis (1)
Meetings and congresses
- XXVII BEST Collaborative meeting, Bermuda.
- XXVIII BEST Collaborative meeting, Edinburgh, Scotland.
- IRC Colloquium on Donor Recruitment, Beijing, PRC – invited speaker.
- 2nd Macedonian Society of Transfusion Medicine Meeting, Skopje, Macedonia – invited speaker.
- 5th Africa Society of Blood Transfusion Congress, Lagos Nigeria – invited speaker
Manuscript reviews
- EMJH (1)
- Vox Sanguinis (2)