Expertise France, Paris has been awarded by the EU the continuation of the Mendami 1 project in Libya. The Mendami 1 project was focused on development of some aspects of the blood system in Libya. IQM Consulting has been selected to support the second Mendami project which will focus on the development of Quality Management … Continue reading Libya Mendami 2
Warm and sincere greetings for the Season and a healthy 2022 to ALL!
May the year 2022 bring all of us health, positive challenges, inspiring and innovative ideas and actions to the benefit of mankind, irrespective where on this globe; reduce inequality, poverty, illiteracy and unnecessary harm. May the year 2022 make all of us share whatever we can share with those who are less privileged! Warm Greetings … Continue reading Warm and sincere greetings for the Season and a healthy 2022 to ALL!
WHO Working Group on Ensuring Sufficient Safe Blood and Components Supply during Emergency Situations.
In 2020 WHO launched a global Action framework to advance universal access to safe, effective and quality-assured blood products 2020-2023. To ensure proper guidance on safe and accessable blood and blood components during emergency situations, a Working Group has been put together in December 2021 to produce a Guidance document. Prof. Cees Th. Smit … Continue reading WHO Working Group on Ensuring Sufficient Safe Blood and Components Supply during Emergency Situations.
Transfusion Medicine Leadership e-course
August 10, 2021 Omosigho Izedonmwen, MBBS, MHPM, FMCPH, Nigeria NBTS coordinator, Abuja Centre, completed the IQM TML e-course and received his Transfusion Medicine Leadership certificate. Submitting the results of the self-assessment scores of the last module, he commented: “As I complete the final module, I look to a day when I will be able to … Continue reading Transfusion Medicine Leadership e-course
Warm and Corona free greetings for the Season
IQM Consulting wishes you ALL a friendly and corona free 2020 Season – family, close friends, but stay away from corona. May you all experience a smooth and happy transition into a promising 2021 – good health and sparkling spirit, energy and innovative ideas and actions, but also empathic attention for those in need. Being … Continue reading Warm and Corona free greetings for the Season
IQM Consulting approached to support the Expertise France Libya Mendami Project
The EU and MEAE financed Mendami Project (2018-2021) in Libya focuses on strengthening the blood transfusion system in Libya by improving the blood collection and use process. The ultimate objective is to provide people in Libya with blood and blood products with an appropriate quality and in sufficient quantities. IQM Consulting has been asked to … Continue reading IQM Consulting approached to support the Expertise France Libya Mendami Project
Operational plan for Somalia National Blood Bank
Background Upon the request by the Government of Somalia, UNFPA is constructing a National Blood Bank in Mogadishu. The site for the blood bank is adjacent to Banadir Hospital, within the hospital complex, which is the largest Maternal and Child Health Hospital in the country. The blood bank is envisioned to serve the Banadir Hospital … Continue reading Operational plan for Somalia National Blood Bank
IQM Consulting contributes to the Turkish Blood Banks and Transfusion Society (BBTST)
The Blood Banks and Transfusion Society Turkey has invited IQM Consulting to contribute to The XIII National congress (Antalya Blood Days, 6-7 March 2020) to provide a reflection on the last 50 years progress in Transfusion Medicine – a Mentor’s Perspective, together with Dr. Gamal Gabra (UK) and Dr. Şükrü Cin (Turkey). The Ist International Blood … Continue reading IQM Consulting contributes to the Turkish Blood Banks and Transfusion Society (BBTST)
Warm Greetings for the Season
IQM Consulting wishes you ALL a nice and warm, pleasant and enjoyable 2019 Season and a happy, healthy, energetic, successful and prosperous 2020. Make the best out of it and tally your blessing in the progress to be made in your private, social and professional life Warm Greetings 2019-2020
AABB International President’s Award 2019
Prof. Cees. Th. Smit Sibinga has been selected as a recipient of AABB’s prestigious International President’s Award. This award recognizes extraordinary public service by an individual or an organization in the health care arena. He is receiving the prestigious President’s Award in recognition of his role as a master educator and for furthering the teaching of transfusion medicine … Continue reading AABB International President’s Award 2019