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IQM Consulting and the Middle East

A next step in the guidance of and technical advice for the WHO EMRO Strategic Framework for Action for Blood Safety and Availability 2016-2025, a mission is planned from 27-30 September 2016 to WHO EMR Office to –

  • provide technical support for the development of a plan for the implementation of the Regional Strategic Framework for Blood Safety and Availability;
  • discuss and reach common understanding on the terms of reference and deliverables for the mission to Tehran, Iran.

This is followed by a mission to Tehran, Iran from 01-03 October 2016 to the Iranian Blood Transfusion Organization (IBTO) to –

  • discuss and finalize the Regional Status Report on Blood Safety and Availability and submit the final report to WHO;
  • assess the progress in developing the report of the literature review, provide technical support and agree on the timeline for submission of the draft and finalization of the report for publication;
  • develop a plan for the analysis of GDBS information since 1998.