NCTM ISO 9001:2015 certified. The ADB-funded Mongolian Fifth Health Sector Development Project 45009 component 1 focusing on blood safety and the blood transfusion system in Mongolia implemented by IQM came to an end with the ISO 9001:2015 certification of the National Center for Transfusion Medicine (NCTM) on 08 May 2019. A true celebration and recognition of … Continue reading XVth AATM Annual Congress in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Category: News
IQM Consulting in Afghanistan
FOLLOW UP TECHNICAL SUPPORT MISSION TO AFGHANISTAN NATIONAL BLOOD TRANSFUSION SERVICE Kabul 8-12 April 2019 WHO CO Afghanistan provided technical support to and close follow up of the implementation of the 2018 plan of action. Development of policy documents, SOPs and governance structures is one of the key recommendations of the mission, for which additional … Continue reading IQM Consulting in Afghanistan
WHO EMRO consultation Iraq
IQM Consulting will support WHO EMRO in a follow-up technical support mission to the National Blood Transfusion Service in Iraq, February 18-24, 2019.
Cordial greetings for the 2018 Season and a healthy and successful 2019
Warm Greetings 2019
WHO EMRO Consultation Tehran, Iran
From 15 till 21 December 2018 Professor Cees Th. Smit Sibinga will be in Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran, for a special consultation. He will support the Higher Institute of Research and Education in Transfusion Medicine of the Iranian Blood Transfusion Organization (WHO Collaborating Center for Research and Training on Blood Safety) in the capacity … Continue reading WHO EMRO Consultation Tehran, Iran
Groningen Congress Medal 2018
Professor Cees Th. Smit Sibinga was awarded the prestigious Groningen Congress Medal 2018 for his most valuable contribution to the congress world in the City and Province of Groningen and the University of Groningen. The first medal was posthumously awarded in 2017 to the late Mr. Jaap Westerhuijs, founder and first CEO of the Groningen … Continue reading Groningen Congress Medal 2018
WHO EMRO mission to Afghanistan
Objectives of the January 2018 Mission To review the current situation of blood transfusion services of Afghanistan in view of the regional strategic framework for blood safety and availability (2016-2025) Document review Meetings with relevant bodies Visits to blood banks in Kabul. To develop a technical assistance plan to strengthen blood transfusion services to meet … Continue reading WHO EMRO mission to Afghanistan
Cordial and warm greetings for the Season and a peaceful 2018
Warm Greetings 2018
Safe Blood Transfusion Programme, Pakistan
12 November – 01 December 2017 GIZ SP-SHP Safe Blood Transfusion Project has invited IQM consulting to contribute to the strengthening of the newly reformed blood supply and transfusion system in Pakistan with special focus on the new blood safety laws, regulatory bodies, prescribers and operators of the regionalized model of blood centres (RBC) and … Continue reading Safe Blood Transfusion Programme, Pakistan
Technical support to review national (provincial) blood legislations
In the WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region, only nine (9) countries have legislation that covers blood and blood products. Moreover, preliminary assessments conducted in two (2) of the nine countries showed that the fundamental principles of blood supply and transfusion, quality (system and management) and good manufacturing practices are not anchored in existing legislations. These legislations … Continue reading Technical support to review national (provincial) blood legislations