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Safe Blood Transfusion Programme, Pakistan

12 November – 01 December 2017

GIZ SP-SHP Safe Blood Transfusion Project has invited IQM consulting to contribute to the strengthening of the newly reformed blood supply and transfusion system in Pakistan with special focus on the new blood safety laws, regulatory bodies, prescribers and operators of the regionalized model of blood centres (RBC) and hospital blood banks (HBB).

The specific objective is to enhance knowledge, skills and competencies of the Provincial and Regional programme managers, regulatory inspectors, prescribers and staff of Regional Blood Centres in their specific domain of work.

During the mission 9 seminars will be conducted on Rational Use of Blood and Regulation and Inspection in Peshawar, Quetta, Lahore and Muzaffarad. During the Quarterly Safe Blood Transfusion Progress and Review consultative meeting in Islamabad an update and analysis on blood safety legislation and regulations will be presented in anticipation of the December WHO national consultation on a critical review of the existing safe blood legislative and regulatory framework in Pakistan. This planned national consultation will discuss the findings of the review of blood legislations and the WHO draft template blood legislation, review progress made in the last six months and develop an action plan for strengthening of the blood regulatory system in the country.